
Ships Blog

12 May 2024
9 May 2024

More Wet Weather And Minor Update 

Well, once again the "weather gods" appear not to be smiling this coming weekend.

However work is continuing and crews rotating well tho work is at times restricted due to deck conditions, ie wet.

Website is being refined and shortly plans are being put into place to allow people to visit the ship pursuant to strict conditions.

8 May 2024

A Little Known Environmental Issue

At least the RAN took sanitation seriously...and spend large amounts of money to ensure their commisioned ships were fitted with these systems.

Rushcutter is no different and is fitted with an Omnipure system. 

Credit thanks to the Naval Association (Qld)

5 May 2024

The Weather Is Improving.

Finally the weather appears to be a little better this morning.

We are most grateful for the moral support and information from the "Sons and Daughters of Sirus"  the alumni association for current and former members of the naval cadet unit TS Sirus.

Their Facebook page is informative and well worth a look

From all the crew of Rushcutter we thank you very much.

5 May 2024

Another wet day 

A few people have now asked about the ship and it's "operation" etc often "assuming it" to be either destined to become a museum or a charter vessel where ppl can pay to go aboard and enjoy a cruise etc.

This is incorrect.

Rushcutter is a now private vessel (despite its size or engineering) and is not permitted to operate commercially.

Nor is it part of any museam.

That does not mean that people cannot experience or view the ship in the same way that any owner can permit a guest to step aboard invitation only and not for commercial gain.

In fact she is a very effective promotional attraction who complements many proposed activities (marine or historically based)

Think of her as a large power boat or cruiser in the same way that a fortunate (or crazy) boat owner who has a large motor yacht...

Presently, that is her legal "status" unless we place her into a commercial survey. 

4 May 2024

When First She Left Service 

Another wet one however the blog continues and more and more information and memories shared by others are beginning to come to light.

This photo for example (Am looking to provide credit) shows her when she was actually sold by the navy for private use 

The vessel next to her was the "Zane Grey", a well known charter vessel which apart from much gives a good idea as to size.

The entire website is further being upgraded (a learning experience) and interestingly enough we have been asked to consider the possibility of incorporating her as part as various "events" or promotions in the same way that other vessels can visit and been seen tied up as opposed to eventually placing her into commercial operation as a charter vessel. 

Obviously this is complex however all ideas are being looked it.

2 May 2024

Wet Day 

Looks like John (ship keeper) is staying busy aboard scrubbing decks... dedication to duty is much appreciated 

2 May 2024
2 May 2024

Quick video

Posting a short video taken in the workshop / port PSU area... obviously main engines were running as it is important to prepare her for sea whilst slowly undertaken essential works and cleaning 

1 May 2024

Bad Weather 

It is never pleasant to have to travel to the ship, much less to undertake work whilst being subjected to significant rain and so we have made the decision to stop any major work until this rain moves away.

Internal cleaning and organising however continues under the watchful eye of our ship keeper and maintains 24hr watch and presence aboard. 

30 Apr 2024
30 Apr 2024

The Weather Gremlins ..

Well it looks as though we may have some wet weather for the next week...time to settle is obviously slowing however still progressing...

30 Apr 2024
28 Apr 2024

A Long Day

Still the electrical gremlins persist..however it was a productive day overall. A full time shipkeeper is now aboard and people are now staying aboard whilst enjoying the sights of Botany Bay. 

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Team Rushcutter